Whatever crushes individuality is despotism, by whatever name it may be called.
John Stuart Mill

¡Contra la publicidad, en cualquiera de sus formas, en internet!

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Hitler speakers in Mexico City

Hitler speakers 

in Mexico City.

      Yesterday, December 9, 2015 the first mass social control test was performed in which the style of the Nazi regime of Hitler a message through the speakers that come with poles with surveillance cameras in the Federal District (now aired City Mexico).

      The speakers used in demonstrations, rallies, performances to hear a voice in Mexico City (Distrito Federal) that voice is called Seismic Alert as I said are incorporated into the streets of the city with security cameras as the nacionasocialismo Hitler engendered since 1933.

      At this time the former PRI Senator Manuel Bartlett Diaz representing the Partido del Trabajo -Labor Party- (PT) in General Congress of the United Mexican States, and famous call system crash was an act of enormous corruption in which the resetearon and feedback was given the victory to the candidate involved party, PRI in favor of Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

      Senator Fidel Demédicis Hidalgo talks about the divine finger -dedo divino- to choose between three candidates to take the place of minister of the Supreme Court or the judiciary of the Mexican judiciary.

      Where they face a Obstaculum: power of the president of the Republic, according to chimostrufia. Thus, the Senate elects Senate Norma Lucia Piña Hernández as the new minister of the Supreme Court (Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation); and Javier Laynez Potisek as a new Minister of the Supreme Court.

      While discussion and vote with the vote of cowardice, which is voting in secret, and public and private debate (the Mexican Senate), are installing more surveillance cameras and speakers as those disguises the day were used December 9, 2015 in the style of Hitler's Nazi regime.

Jacob Genesis
10 de diciembre 2015

Video name: Hitler in Colour
Video e-mail address:


¿Quieres Ser Mi Amante? (1974) (Remasterizado) Camilo Sesto PRIDE AND PREJUDICE 2005

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you warm up

you warm up

censura Blogger 99

Las entradas de este blog han tenido algunos problemas únicamente por colocar "una letra" o "una imagen" pues Blogger convierte la entrada en números y letras ilegibles.

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[Actualización a 23 de agosto 2016:

Blogger dejó de presentar ese problema desde aproximadamente tres años por lo cual esta información actualmente carece de validez, sin embargo es un dato valioso en la búsqueda de los antecedentes del lema de Google: No seas malvado.]

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¡Contra la publicidad, en cualquiera de sus formas, en internet!

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Against the publicity, in any one of its forms, in internet!

Anonymous en los Premios Oscar 2012

What is the Kraken? Black March explication explanation